
Friday, September 1, 2017

Best Speech Therapy Techniques for Dysarthria at Home

Best Speech Therapy Techniques at home  for  Dysarthria
Those with dysarthria are speaking better
due to the best speech therapy therapy
techniques being used at home.

This blog is about how to assure best therapy techniques at home for dysarthria.  There are many family members and spouses of those with dysarthria who question whether the therapy techniques their loved ones are getting at home are the right ones.  Usually when family or clients question the efficacy of therapy there may be some limitations in the method itself or the experience of the therapist.  This blog is about how to assure best therapy techniques at home for dysarthria.

Speech Therapy for Dysarthria:  What is the correct therapy for this condition?

The correct therapy for dysarthria is the therapy that works.  There are lots of approaches to doing almost anything, and many different techniques will work to help the client speak better.

One Of the Ways You Will Know if You are Getting The Right Therapy

As stated abobe the right therapy is the the therapy that works!  It will be the therapy where you will see immediate improvement in speaking.  If you don't see immediate improvement in speaking it might be good for you to start looking elsewhere.

Many Therapies Do Not Immediately Work On Speaking  and Getting The Person to Speak more Clearly and Succinctly.

Some therapist may work on tongue or oral motor exercises.  If they are given without working on speaking at the same time or within the same session, be skeptical of the approach.  Always make sure that the therapy your loved one is receiving is directly working on helping them speak more clearly and therapy should be addressing putting words together to form a complete thought.  

For More Information about the best speech therapy techniques for dysarthria that will help your loved one speak better: