
Saturday, August 26, 2017

Dysarthria Speech Therapy Online Is Beneficial

Speech Therapy for Dysarthria at Home Over Internet is Successful
Speech Therapy Online for
Dysarthria, Aphasia and Apraxia

The Many Benefits Of Speech Therapy Online for Dysarthria

There are many people with medically related speech and language diffiulties who have wondered if dysarthria speech therapy is beneficial.  People are doing their speech therapy for dysarthria over the internet through live video conferencing.

In the last few years more and more people have been receiving their dysarthria speech therapy online over and finding it very beneficial.  To their suprise they have found the experience to be highly favorable since they can get the help they need for their dysarthria or aphasia without leaving their home.  Family members also have the opportunity to participate in the therapy which affords them the opportunity to learn exactly what to do to help their loved ones talk better.  It is often cost effective since transportation costs, getting off work to transport the person, parking, meals and other costs are not necessary.  You can even show up for your therapy in comfortable clothes and coffee!

 Dysarthria Speech Therapy Online at Home Over The Internet is Beneficial

Those who receive dysarthria, aphasia and apraxia speech therapy online also report how convenient and beneifical it is.  Imagine not having to wake up, shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, climb into the car, drive to the therapy center, possibly pay a toll or parking fee, only to sit in the waiting room where there is someone sitting next to you with sniffles and a cold.  Often one has no choice of  therapist or skill level of someone when attending an outpatienet clinic.  You get the therapist assigned to you, whether they are new, experienced, or not.  The consumer has little input or control.

Those Who Need Dysarthria Speech Therapy at Home Have Increased Benefit Including Likely Choice of Therapists

Medical procedures of any kind are often more successful when educated consumers take the time to research care providers and learn of their training, experience, while also having the opportunity to explore what patients have reported about their professional services.  
The findings, published in the journal Aphasiology, show that stroke, aphasia and dysarthria  patients who received speech language therapy over the Internet saw significant improvements in their communication skills, similar to those of patients receiving in-person treatment.

For those who are looking for information regarding one on one therapy for dysarthria, aphasia, or apraxia, you may inquire through our our website at teaching of talking.  In the event you wish to speak to a therapist with decades of experience you can e mail us.

Here is a recent e mail received from one of our clients who is learning to do speech and langauge therapy with her husband who has aphasia and apraxia:

" I don't tell you enough how appreciative my husband and I are of the help you provide us. I am so encouraged about Ed's recent speaking and conversational skills. More importantly, he is encouraged! The HUGE component to that is, as you stated, Ed and I speaking slowly, with simple phrases and embedded questions. Thank you for your expertise, patience, positivity and humor!"
JoAnn -Los Angeles, Ca.

Contact us Today!  E Mail