Family Memers and Therapists Often Want To Know How To Get Better and Faster Results in Speech Therapy for Dysarthria
How to Get Faster Results with Dysarthria Speech Therapy at Home |
The 80/20 Rule for Faster Dysarthria Speech Therapy Results at Home
If you want to improve your speaking you must decide what it is that really needs work? With dysarthria it might be to get rid of the slur, or to slow down the speed of speaking to be understood. For others with dysarthria it might be to diminish the explosiveness that occurs in speaking. One must decide and identify what it is that when modified will improve the intelligibility or clarity of speaking.
The Make it Simple Approach
to Getting Faster Results in Dysarthria Speech Therapy
The easier an approach is, the faster people learn it.
No complicated words or mumbo jumbo; just explain it easy and simply, demonstrate it and then DO IT!
Identify one clear goal and stick with that until it is mastered. Concentrate on the one thing that helps get your speech clearer and more understandable.
The 80/20 Rule
Do the 20% that makes the biggest change and best result. Often therapists load people up on alot of busy work, worksheets, writing exercises, blowing exercises, oral motor exercises etc. Those are the 80% that really have little to do with speaking clarity or intelligibility.
Stick to what you identified above as the thing that would make the biggest difference in the clarity of speaking. Speed, separation of words, slow rate, eye contact, speaking softly, etc.? Identify what it is and focus on the 20% with your available time and attention.
It's the 20% that will get you the best dysarthria speech therapy results because it's simple and straight to the point
The Teaching of Talking Method is just that. A method to help those with dysarthria, aphasia, or apraxia speak better by teaching family members, spouses or therapists the easiest and simplist methods that anyone can understand and apply. The Teaching of Talking online course will show you in video each stop of what to do. Just watch a short 3-7 minute segment, and then do it! And you stay with that until it's learned, and then you move forward from there. Simple? Yes.
We also give you an unconditional satisfaction guarantee. If for any reason you don't like it, or it isn't working for you, let us know within 30 days of purchase and your investment will be promptly refunded; no questions asked. If your spouse or family member can repeat after you numbers or letters or simple words, and if they can understand what you say to them, he or she would likely be a good candidate for the Teaching of Talking Method.